Coordinator - Scott

I am just a guy who started a chicken coop to get healthier eggs. Then I started learning about RoundUp Ready Soy, BT Corn, GMO Canola and antibiotics in conventional feeds. I felt their was no point in raising my own eggs if I was just going to feed impurities. But organic feed cost almost $0.80 per pound. That brought my cost for a dozen eggs to nearly $5.50, plus my time to gather eggs and feed and water the birds......It didn't make sense!, especially when grocery stores sell free-range organic eggs for $4.00 per dozen.
I knew I had to find affordable feed. After a lot of research and phone calls, I eventually found a grainery which agreed to sell to me at wholesale pricing. However, their feed volume minimum was more than I could use in a year.
So I started a blog and quickly found there was plenty of interest throughout the Phoenix area. It only took a month before our group gathered enough volume to place our first order. News of the successful order has spread throughout Phoenix and the Organic Feed Group seems to grow every month. I am happy to say a dozen eggs now cost me only, $2.50 per dozen, and they are soy free, corn free, canola free organic, free range eggs. Of course, the eggs are indescribably better than any eggs available in stores.
I am proud to continue making these premium USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC feeds available at a low cost through our bi-monthly organic poultry & livestock feed orders. There are currently over 20 types of feed available to over a 100 local backyard chicken farmers in the Phoenix metro AZ area. We could probably grow by 100 more if that many people have an interest.
I knew I had to find affordable feed. After a lot of research and phone calls, I eventually found a grainery which agreed to sell to me at wholesale pricing. However, their feed volume minimum was more than I could use in a year.
So I started a blog and quickly found there was plenty of interest throughout the Phoenix area. It only took a month before our group gathered enough volume to place our first order. News of the successful order has spread throughout Phoenix and the Organic Feed Group seems to grow every month. I am happy to say a dozen eggs now cost me only, $2.50 per dozen, and they are soy free, corn free, canola free organic, free range eggs. Of course, the eggs are indescribably better than any eggs available in stores.
I am proud to continue making these premium USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC feeds available at a low cost through our bi-monthly organic poultry & livestock feed orders. There are currently over 20 types of feed available to over a 100 local backyard chicken farmers in the Phoenix metro AZ area. We could probably grow by 100 more if that many people have an interest.