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We now offer Baby chickens delivered to your front door.
TYPES OF CHICKENS (3 Bird Minimum to Ship) As Low As $1.95/ Each - Brown Egg Layers - White Egg Layers - Green, Blue, Lavendar and Olive Colored Egg Layers - Bielefelder (Chicken of the year, German Hybrid) - All Time Best Selling Layer Chicken (Rhode Island Red) - Meat Birds (Broilers) - Old English Breeds - Bantam Chickens (small chickens) - Silkies (super soft feathered small chickens) - Hot Weather Chickens - Cold Weather Chickens - Mature Chickens - Pullets (mature female, not yet laying) - Turkeys - Ducks - Geese - Game Birds (Quail and Pheasant etc...) - Hatching Eggs (order fertile eggs & hatch them at home) ADDITIONAL CHICKEN RAISING EQUIPMENT - Best Treadle Feed (rat proof) for adult chickens different sizes - Feeders for baby chicks - Waterers - Nesting and chicken comfort - Incubator (for hatching your own eggs) - Misc Poultry Supplies |
Brown Egg LayersThere are many brown egg laying birds.
White Egg LayersThe most famous white egg laying chicken is the leghord
Green & Blue Egg LayersEaster eggers, are the most common colored egg laying chicken